Sunday, September 24, 2006

Quicker Than A Ray Of Light?

By: Keith Thompson

Like any consumer or retailer in question, I am waiting to see who will when this quiet battle between the Blu Ray and HD Dvd formats. Although the Blu Ray disc's sound impressive, I think the Hd Dvd will be more accessable and consumer friendly as far as the price of the players will go. Another thing to consider this November is the launching of Sony's PS3 and Xbox 360's Hd Dvd Player. The Sony PS3 (with limited availablity) with be in a $600 price range, where as the Xbox 360 Hd Dvd player will be somewhere in the area of $200. Already, most of the major movie studios like Paramount are supporting the Hd Dvd format. You can find blockbuster hits such as " Sleepy Hollow", "Tomb Raider" and "Aeon Flux" to name a few. I am excited for future releases like " Raiders Of The Lost Ark" to be veiwed in 1080 ip on a Hd Dvd player/TV. For those who would like to treat themselves to the best eye candy in home entertainment, I think the choice is clear who will when the next gen war this holiday season.